“I need troops who embrace values our society holds dear.”
Richard Oppelaar joined the Royal Netherlands Marine Corps in 1981. In this episode he reflects upon a lifetime in service. Highlighting the importance of developing a robust allied cooperation in uncertain times, he describes the close cooperation of The Netherlands and Norway in the European military Theater. Oppelaar emphasizes the importance of military education creating fundamental values, and how a solid fundament plays an important role when efficiency and precision is required in operations that seek to protect our freedom and democratic way of life.
Medvirkende: Major General Richard Oppelaar Tom Amriati-Løvås fra Et Øyeblikk en EvighetLingeloftet: De lange årene – Arven etter Linge Motstandsmann og Linge-veteran Erling Lorentzen og Generalmajor Torgeir Gråtrud, sjef Forsvarets Spesialstyrker, tar lytterne med fra...
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